Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Where were you when the world stopped turning?

I have read almost every conspiracy theory about the events that happened on the morning of September 11th, 2001 in New York City. Out of all of them only one theory truly holds up; a group of men hated everything we are and everything we represent and they did everything in their wicked power to show us their hatred on that day. Now we may be a country full of faults, but no one deserved to die on that day. On this day, over a decade ago, a group of men hijacked four planes and one religion. Here's what I've got to say on the matter. I am sick of people claiming al-Qaeda did what they did because of religion. No, they did not. Their work was not the work of religion. They were a group of self-righteous men who thought they were more important than God. The biggest act of blasphemy a believer can do is assume to know what God wants. These men tore down a little piece of the American Dream with their ludicrous assumptions.

I remember the day faintly. I remember it was a school day and I was getting ready to go to elementary school. My mom had on the morning news and the shocking news of the terrorist attacks came on. My mom didn't say much and I was much too young to understand. I asked her what that meant and why that accident happened. I faintly remember her telling me it wasn't an accident and her trying her best to explain what had happened without popping the protective bubble she had build around me since I was born. I didn't go to school on that day.

There have been many songs that have been written about 9/11, but very little capture the essence of the pain and confusion brought on by the event like this song. Enjoy.

Photo courtesy of Google Images 

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