Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Let's be honest here, schooling doesn't prepare us for the real world. The system is just set up in a way that doesn't allow creativity and experimentation. Everything is pre-planned and arranged. This is how I pretty much summarize the last three years of high school: memorize, recite, forget, now repeat. In school, teachers have the duty of taking us down a path of knowledge by where they "teach" us how to think and expose us to new ideas, something that seems quite obsolete considering the fact that the Internet can also do that without having to wake up at 6:30am. In my path of self learning and knowledge, I will keep my eyes open because knowledge can be found in any corner. I will soak in whatever I can and feel will benefit me in my future. I will play by the rules but am divorcing myself from the traditional way of schooling and will keep my mind open for new possibilities.

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