Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The prologue was very interesting and like no other prologue I have read before. Prologues are usually just boring and most of us skip over them but this one had so much richness to it. It showed us Chaucer’s creativity on a whole new level. Each of the characters appeared to be its own book because it was just that rich, even if most descriptions were just one paragraph or two long. I really enjoyed reading it and as soon as I began reading it and I processed the characters my mind was put to work and it was like a thought and creativity explosion. Throughout the prologue I kept thinking about the motives the characters had for going on the pilgrimage. Every time the author said something new about the characters I would ask myself "Why?" The character who most intrigued me was the hunting monk. I particularly liked the severity of the irony that enveloped him. I’m a Catholic girl who has several priests in her family and I have always wondered about the religious men and if they actually are holy and good or just put on a façade.

I found it really interesting how as Chaucer described his characters, he gave us so much insight into who he was as a person. He would allow his personal views to overcome him and we could see his biases and preferences in the way he would describe certain characters.

For this assignment I took digital notes and if anyone wants to take a look at them for whatever reason, look for me at school to let me know and I'll send you an email with the attachments :)

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