Tuesday, September 24, 2013


One thing we are always looking for in our Internet experience is speed and the ability to multitask. The reason for why I particularly like dashboards is because they allow us to control several different aspects of our Internet life on just one page, which is much preferable to the tedious task of having several tabs opened and having to navigate through them. Netvibes has so far been one of my favorite dashboards for several reasons. First of all, making it was not time consuming in comparison to all the time of Internet navigation that it will save me. It is also highly malleable and allows the individual to customize it however he/she may want. I’m the sort of person who has to have everything organized and Netvibes really helps with that OCD in me. I also like that they have apps available for mobile and tablet. I haven’t had the chance to check out the app but I will soon. Having an app available is something I feel all companies should offer because it allows the consumer to consume more of the profuct and it becomes more convenient. We’re usually always on one device; if we aren’t hooked onto our laptops then we’re on our cellphones or tablets; so if we had the option between two companies and one offered an app then I’m sure most of us would pick the one with the app because having an account there would become so much more easy and convenient.

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