Saturday, March 22, 2014

Huxley Interview Response: WE ARE LIVING IN A BRAVE NEW WORLD

After watching Huxley talk and reading his book, I can say with certainty that I believe he was absolutely paranoid. He was a man that had some interesting views for his time, but ultimately I believe those views do not reflect our society today. Our use of technology mirrors that in Brave New World in various ways. Science and technology are pushing the boundaries of what previously was with things such as genetic engineering, nuclear weaponry and stem cell research. Yet I don't believe that our use in those fields will lead to a repressive government such as The World State. We have great thinkers and we have morals. There are people who are keeping science and technology confined to boundaries of morality and humanity. I don't see how one government could strip our humanity, and people would just let it happen. Thinking about this sort of reminds me of the world in James McTeigue's V for Vendetta, where an oppressive government uses technology and science to manipulate and control a society. They tried to strip many of the prisoners in their experimentation camps of their humanity, but the people fought back..they did not allow themselves to be turned into anything less than humans.

There is one interesting thing I saw between Huxley's Brave New World and our modern society...We also have to keep in mind that only parts of our modern world are dominated by science and technology, such as first world nations like the United States and China. Many African and South American societies still live as they were living before science and technology formed big parts of first world life. Technology and science are only available in some parts of the world, much like in Huxley's Brave New World. London (which is where most of the plot takes place) is a hub of technology and science, in contrast to the various reservations where "savages" live without the illumination of science and technology. We sort of seclude theses areas of the world (much like they did in BNW). As we move forward, we are leaving them behind and forgetting about them. We are consuming all the planets resources in our relentless pursuit of more, leaving them with the scraps of our ambition. In that sense, yeah, we are living in a Brave New World. 

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