Tuesday, March 11, 2014


So news...when it comes to news the American public generally prefers television. I have a few theories as to why. It's more engaging and requires no work from the viewer (other than putting popcorn in your mouth as you avidly watch). While going on the Internet, opening a search engine, typing, and then selecting the best news story is far more work. When we watch television we also get a whole hours worth of news in one sitting, while reading a website online takes more time and we may only be able to get through a few news stories (especially if the journalism reports are lengthy) before we run out of time and have to engage in another activity.

We lose so much when we decide to watch television for news. I say this because news/journalism websites typically have a comment section at the bottom of articles that you can use by signing in to the website itself or through your Facebook or Google+ account. These comment sections often times turn into interesting discussions between people all over the world. There is so much value in the comments. I encourage and challenge everyone to take time and visit these websites, take the time to thoroughly read the article, engage in discussions or simply read these comments that are often worth gold. Granted, some are utter trash and ignorant, but why not add humor to your day with other peoples stupidity?

Almost all major news/journalism websites have this comment feature. Visit your favorite one and check it out. Often when I am doing research for In Loco Politico articles, I read these and take them into account in my article. If you're also interested in online debates to enrich yourself, or simply have fun, try "Debate.org". This awesome website allows you to post your arguments on a certain topic. I highly encourage everyone to participate in just one online debate. Try them out! They really can become a cool tool for prospective/armature journalists or anyone interested in just spending some time online.

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