Wednesday, August 21, 2013


adumbrate (v): To produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch.
apotheosis (n): Elevation to the rank of a god; the ideal example.
ascetic (adj.): Not allowing oneself luxuries or pleasures.
bauble (n); Cheap, showy trinket.
beguile (v): To deceive; to charm or delight.
burgeon (v): To grow quickly; to begin to grow.
complement (n): That which completes; the amount that completes.
contumacious (adj.): Stubbornly disobedient.
curmudgeon (n): Bad tempered, difficult person.
didactic (adj.): Intended for instruction.
disingenuous (adj.): Not sincere.
exculpate (verb): To free of blame.
faux pas (n): Embarrassing social error.
fulminate (v): To explode loudly; to issue violent denunciations.
fustian (n): Stout fabric of cotton and flax.
hauteur (n): Haughty manner or spirit; arrogance.
inhibit (v): To restrain or hinder.
jeremiad (n): Prolonged lamentation or mournful complaint.
opportunist (n): The grasping of opportunities without regard for consequences or ethical considerations.
unconscionable (adj.): Not restrained by conscience; unscrupulous.

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